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A Little About Me

I always have difficulty with these parts of webpages where you have to describe yourself and have that constant worry of saying the wrong thing.  So, to make us feel like less of strangers, I will introduce myself to you. *holds out hand to shake yours*

First of all, hello.  My name is Christina.  I am 30 years old and am currently living in the state of Texas.

I was born and raised in the wonderful state of Michigan in the small town of Lake Odessa, where I lived for the first 19 years of my life.  I wouldn't say I had a normal childhood, but that's a different story for another day.  I met my husband when I was 17 years old, both of us working at McDonald's at the time (he was my manager. tsk, tsk).  It was then at the age of 19 when my husband (boyfriend, at the time) made the decision to move to Florida for a job opportunity.  I made a decision then to start a new adventure and to follow him there.  It was difficult saying goodbye to my family and longtime friends, but the opportunities that presented themselves in Florida made it worth the move.  

In March of 2006 was when we arrived in Fort Walton Beach, Florida where my job hunting began.  I applied to many places, not really caring what the job was but just to have a job so that bills could be paid.  But then one caught my eye that seemed too good to be true.  A place called Pyramid, Inc., which was a school for adults with developmental disabilities, was hiring for an Assistant Art Instructor.  I was very worried that due to my lack of college experience that I wouldn't get the job, but sure enough, I got the job that I would never forget.  The amount of experience and joy that I received from doing art therapy for those in need will stay with me forever and I wish I could have stayed there forever.  But unfortunately, some good things must come to an end, and my husband's job required relocation to the state of Texas.  

So September of 2007 we made the move to Montgomery, Texas, and the job hunting for myself began again.  I didn't search long though, as when I went to see where my husband was working, the Director of Security was looking for an assistant and asked if I wanted the job.  I worked there for a long and exhausting seven and half years as the Security Admin Assistant and moved my way up towards the end to be the Lead Supervisor of the department.    It was a long and strenuous time there but I don't regret any minute of each moment as it has made me who I am today and has brought me out of my shell and more comfortable in my skin.  I continued in the field of Security and became the Security Manager, but at a different location that provided further growth for me that I couldn't pass down. Amd now, three years after that new opportunity, I find myself laid off, unemployed and trying to find myself again and hope to make something more of myself

My husband and I finally had gotten married on August 8, 2009 and bought our own home two weeks after. Then, October 25, 2010, I was blessed with giving birth to a beautiful baby boy.  I hadn't realized at the time how much being a mother would open my eyes to so much more beauty in the world.  And the joy of watching him grow and learn.  The realization of how precious life really is, and to take the time and enjoy every moment that you have.   

So there you have it.  This is who I am.  Someone trying to start new adventures.  And maybe some of you who have taken the time to read this, will be intrigued, and will help me continue my adventures.  To use my gifts and see how far my imagination can go.  

With love to all,

~Christina Cooper

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